Alaska Cruise: Day 8: Day at Sea
by: Mark Comeau

This is our second day at sea on this cruise.  We left Skagway yesterday around 5:00pm and will be in Victoria BC tomorrow around 7:00pm, so its almost two whole days at sea.  

Today we're just taking it easy, we spent the morning, after breakfast, out on the deck taking in the sun.  It gave me some time to update the blog and Krista read.  She had a bit of a headache so it was best to just take it easy.

Tonight is the second formal dinner, and PCA is hosting one at 8:00pm.  The Canadians are going to get together for this dinner.

Tomorrow is going to look a lot like today in the sense that we will be just taking it easy until we get to Victoria, then we are not sure if we will do anything.  We've been there, and stayed a few days to take in the city, and the surrounding area so there isn't much for us to see or do that we have not done in the past, plus we only have four hours here anyway so it doesn't give us much time to do anything.  We will likely stay on the ship and do some last minute things like check out our photographs, and get ready to pack our stuff for disembarcation.

Published: 2024-08-03 00:04:40

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