Yellowknife Day 6 Blachford Lake
by: Mark Comeau

This morning we woke a little tired.  We did go down for breakfast for 8:30am and got a good feed.  This morning we had a Japanese breakfast, eggs and rice.

We're going to take it easy this morning and stay in the lodge.  We spent the morning talking with some of the other guests and the staff at the lodge.  We hung out in front of one of the wood stoves, enjoyed some coffee and just stayed warm.  We just hung out until lunch.

After we got fed we played some cards, and stayed near the fire.  We have a snowmobile tour scheduled for 3:30 today.  The only thing we're doing today.

We got all bundled up for the tour.  We met the guides down on the lake.  The family from Japan joined us for the tour, but after the tutorial, the mom did not feel comfortable driving a ski-doo, and the daughter did not want to drive but she was a passenger with one of the guides, the dad had no issues.

Krista and I each had our own snowmobiles.  After a bit of testing, playing at the start point we were guided across the lake to get a great view of Blachford lake, then we were taken on trails through the woods.  This was awesome, the trails were well groomed but were not flat we had some challenges which made it fun.  The trails through the woods would take us from lake to lake.  Andrew also stopped the tour along the way to show us things like fox dens, and lynx tracks.  These snowmobiles come with a governer which is managed with a specific key, this keeps the max speed down to 40km, but on one of the lakes Andrew took off the "training wheels" and let me and the Japanese dad make full use of the ski-doo.  Once I was let let loose, I was able to go way out on the lake and open it up, at one point I got the ski-doo up to 75km/h.  So awesome.  We continued from trails through the woods to other lakes until we got back to the lodge.

We really liked the ski-doo tour.

We scheduled another dip in the hot tub for tonight at 8:00pm, so we just hung out after our tour, had some dinner then again out in the -30C weather to take a dip into the hot tub.  We didn't see aurora tonight, too many clouds while we were in the tub.

Being our last night in Blachford we did go out to see if we could observe any more Aurora, and we sort of did, we kept going into and out of the lodge.  The skys were clearing but not enough to give us great views.

We did go to bed, thinking that the clouds were just not going to behave tonight, but at 1:00am ish we got the knock on the door that the skys had cleared and the aurora did come out.  So we hauled ourselves out of bed, got bundled up grabbed the cameras and went out to see them.

The viewing was not great, but it was good.  The funny thing about all this is that the camera's pick up far more than the human eye can, so taking pictures of them give us a much better experience sometime.  When the light are bright though, it is awesome.

We got to bed after 2:00am.  Tomorrow we fly back to Yellowknife.


Published: 2023-08-30 23:17:42

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